Thursday, January 27, 2011

From, Red Andy

So, this week was low on emails, as in there were none. There is an issue I'd like to touch on though. Sex is an important part of any relationship and something that is meant to be enjoyed by partners. Impotence in men is something that has been addressed a lot in the recent years. Even the lack of desire in women is an issue that has had light shed upon it on a large scale. With female libido enhancers such as gels (like "KY Intense") and herbal supplements (like "HerSolution") it's becoming more and more easy for women to become stimulated and enjoy sex more. However, there are still times when women are not feeling "up to it" based on different problems they may be encountering in their lives (ie: recent childbirth, hormonal problems, psychological issues, etc.), and as such, sex with their partners becomes less and less of a priority. As such, some men have a tendency to become frustrated but do not how to articulate their frustrations in an effective manner. As such, arguments can result, lack of communication and in some cases, infidelity.

A good friend of mine is going through kind of a tough issue. She's been having some kind of severe symptoms of Menometrorrhagia. Menometrorrhagia is a condition in which a woman has persistent and/or extreme uterine bleeding in an irregular pattern and more frequently than normal (ie, in-between periods). Some of the causes are hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids (benign tumors in the uterus), endometriosis (when cells similar to those lining the inner walls of the uterus that shed monthly appear on the outside of the uterus), or sometimes cancer. It can be pretty serious, especially depending on the cause of the hemorrhaging. For a little more information and facts about Menometrorrhagia, visit OrganizedWisdom>Menometrorrhagia.

In any case, because my friend's condition, she's been having some severe cramping and every time her and her partner decide to have intercourse it makes the bleeding a lot worse or start all over again. As a result, her sex drive is extremely low to put it mildly. I'm not going to go into the details of her relationship with her partner, because it would be unethical of me. However, communication problems seem to be causing a strain on their relationship. Just because sexual intercourse doesn't seem to be an option at the moment, does not mean that intimacy has to go out of the window. Despite the fact that a woman may not be feeling particularly sexy doesn't mean that her partner does not want her. As such, when that time comes, and you hear "Hey, honey..." sometimes saying "Not tonight, dear" isn't the best course of action. Instead, try something different. Go back to the days of "necking". Making out and heavy petting can be vastly under-rated. The stimulation is obviously pleasurable while it can be non-invasive for the woman. As far as pleasing your partner try outer-course, rather than intercourse. Oral sex, manual stimulation, touching,'s all form of stimulation.

Sex is an important part of relationships and when a person is not feeling up to it, then communication is key. Rather than judging, your partner should be supportive. But if you know that your not going to be able to perform sexual intercourse, then you have to compromise. There's two people in the relationship and where you may believe that it's your partner's job to be supportive and understand your needs, you have to understand his/her's. If you aren't willing to work through the issue together, then what's the point?

As always, when involved in intimate relations with your partner, remember to be safe!

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